The three vineyards of 30 acres of our privately owned vineyard are located at an altitude of 150 to 300m at the foot of Mount Farmakovouni in Thesprotia. Near our winery is the first and oldest vineyard of 4 acres, the planting of which was completed in 1998. After 17 years, at an altitude of 300 meters, just five hundred meters from the winery, the planting of the largest vineyard of 20 acres was completed. One year later, the last vineyard of 6 hectares was created on the Finiki plain, three kilometers from the winery. Greek and foreign varieties of superior quality are cultivated, and the harvest is done the traditional way(by hand).
* Mount Farmakovouni
Farmakovouni Filiates in the Prefecture of Thesprotia is a mountain in Epirus with an altitude of 1240 meters (Lycorrachi) and is included in the European Natura 2000 program. It includes several preserved mountain villages, rich in history and natural beauty. At higher altitudes there are extensive areas of alpine pastures and coniferous forests. At lower altitudes, scrubland and deciduous forests dominate. Human activities are livestock, hunting and forestry. It is rich in fauna and flora (of great botanical interest), a haven for wildlife, with a huge avifauna and wild horses. It is named after the various herbs and aromatic plants that grow there and were collected for the preparation of medicines. In the most beautiful, secluded corners of the mountain one can find tea, sage, apple geranium, pennyroyal, rosemary, laurel and oregano.

Our White Wine varieties are the following:
Chardonnay |
Malvasia Aromatica |
Ntempina |
Moschato Alexandrias

Our Red Wine varieties are the following:
Agiorgitiko | Merlot | Syrah | Cabernet Sauvignon | Grenache Rouge
Our Rosé Wine varieties are the following:
Moschofilero | Roditis (Alepou)

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